The AI Pioneers

The People Who Made It Happen
Pioneers of Artificial Intelligence

Minds of the Future: Pioneers, Visionaries, and Innovators in Artificial Intelligence

An Exploration of Visionaries, Inventors, and Thinkers Who Transformed the Landscape of AI and Continue to Inspire. Exploring the Brilliant Minds Shaping the AI Revolution and Shaping the Future of Humanity. individuals have made significant contributions to the field of AI through their research, entrepreneurship, leadership, and advocacy.
1. Alan Turing
2. John McCarthy
3. Marvin Minsky
4. Arthur Samuel
5. Geoffrey Hinton
6. Yann LeCun
7. Yoshua Bengio
8. Andrew Ng
9. Fei-Fei Li
10. Demis Hassabis

11. Elon Musk
12. Reid Hoffman
13. Peter Thiel
14. Sam Altman
15. Marc Andreessen
16. Vinod Khosla
17. Masayoshi Son
18. Kai-Fu Lee
19. Jim Breyer
20. Steve Jurvetson

21. Nick Bostrom
22. John Searle
23. Daniel Dennett
24. David Chalmers
25. Hubert Dreyfus
26. Martha Nussbaum
27. Luciano Floridi
28. Thomas Metzinger
29. Andy Clark
30. Susan Schneider

31. Isaac Asimov
32. Ray Kurzweil
33. Vernor Vinge
34. Philip K. Dick
35. William Gibson
36. Neal Stephenson
37. Ted Chiang
38. Daniel Suarez
39. Ramez Naam
40. Charles Stross

41. John Markoff
42. Kara Swisher
43. Cade Metz
44. Tom Simonite
45. Martin Ford
46. Emily Chang
47. Will Knight
48. Clive Thompson
49. Kashmir Hill
50. Kate Crawford

51. Elon Musk
52. Ray Kurzweil
53. Demis Hassabis
54. Sebastian Thrun
55. Rodney Brooks
56. Max Tegmark
57. Stuart Russell
58. Hiroshi Ishiguro
59. Peter Diamandis
60. Michio Kaku

61. Aubrey de Grey
62. Kevin Kelly
63. James Barrat
64. John Smart
65. Amy Webb
66. Jason Silva
67. Ramez Naam
68. Sherry Turkle
69. Gerd Leonhard
70. Mario Klingemann

AI Ethics and Policy:
71. Timnit Gebru
72. Kate Crawford
73. Wendell Wallach
74. Virginia Dignum
75. Ryan Calo
76. Joanna Bryson
77. Frank Pasquale
78. Tim O'Reilly
79. Ryan Budish
80. Meredith Whittaker

81. Andrew Ng
82. Stuart J. Russell
83. Fei-Fei Li
84. Tom Mitchell
85. Pedro Domingos
86. Cynthia Breazeal
87. Daphne Koller
88. David Silver
89. Tomaso Poggio
90. Geoff Hinton

Technology Leaders:
91. Sundar Pichai
92. Satya Nadella
93. Jeff Bezos
94. Mark Zuckerberg
95. Jack Ma
96. Larry Page
97. Sergey Brin
98. Tim Cook
99. Jensen Huang
100. Demis Hassabis

Industry Influencers:
101. Mustafa Suleyman
102. Rana el Kaliouby
103. Kai-Fu Lee
104. Andrew Ng
105. Jensen Huang
106. John Giannandrea
107. Jeff Dean
108. Dario Gil
109. Yan LeCun
110. Elon Musk

AI for Good:
111. Joy Buolam

112. Timnit Gebru
113. Rana el Kaliouby
114. Meredith Whittaker
115. Fei-Fei Li
116. Cynthia Breazeal
117. Oren Etzioni
118. Ayanna Howard
119. Yoshua Bengio
120. Toby Walsh

121. Elon Musk
122. Jeff Bezos
123. Mark Zuckerberg
124. Jack Ma
125. Larry Page
126. Sergey Brin
127. Jensen Huang
128. Satya Nadella
129. Demis Hassabis
130. Andrew Ng

Government and Policy:
131. Kai-Fu Lee
132. Andrew Yang
133. Erik Brynjolfsson
134. Mark Carney
135. Cathy O'Neil
136. Tim O'Reilly
137. Brad Smith
138. Marietje Schaake
139. Michael Chui
140. Vint Cerf

AI and Art:
141. Mario Klingemann
142. Refik Anadol
143. Memo Akten
144. Sougwen Chung
145. Anna Ridler
146. Robbie Barrat
147. Helena Sarin
148. Holly Herndon
149. Kyle McDonald
150. Golan Levin

151. Sebastian Thrun
152. Daphne Koller
153. Ian Goodfellow
154. Zoubin Ghahramani
155. Jeff Hawkins
156. Pieter Abbeel
157. Peter Norvig
158. Gary Marcus
159. Ken Goldberg
160. Marcus Hutter
161. Daniela Rus
162. Adrian Rosebrock
163. Vijay Pande
164. Richard Sutton
165. Michael L. Littman
166. Stuart Russell
167. Peter Stone
168. Alan Kay
169. Leslie Kaelbling
170. Eric Horvitz
171. François Chollet
172. Yann Lecun
173. Oriol Vinyals
174. Yoshua Bengio
175. Honglak Lee
176. Sergey Levine
177. Thomas Dean
178. Rajat Monga
179. Ilya Sutskever
180. Jeff Dean

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